Meet Barbara
Barbara Stomprud is cofounder and president of Vessel of Honor Ministry. This international ministry was founded in 1998. She operates with an apostolic and prophetic anointing as a gifted speaker, leader, teacher and mentor. God has especially anointed her to recognize and activate the spiritual gifts in others. Barbara has a passion to train, equip and mobilize teams for ministry.
She and her team are actively coaching and facilitating mobile training schools. Barbara is also involved in developing satellite training centers and is also involved in marketplace ministry. She has written several training manuals: "Connecting Kingdom Concepts", "Training for Reigning", " Matriarchs, Mothers & Mentors", " Patriarch, Father and Sons". Each manual is designed to make disciples, mature the body and focus on maximizing their potential for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom.
Her passion is to be a resource to assist and develop others and offer them an opportunity to experience all types of ministry, both internationally and locally.
She loves to promote TEAM dynamics in which others can express and utilize their gifts and talents. Her goal is to be instrumental in creating a model for Kingdom manifestation that will affect all spheres and realms to be the CHANGE that activates the Church to become His Body.
Barbara has been in ministry since 1990 and is a graduate of Berean University. She obtained her certiciation as a Bible Counselor in 1995. In 2004 she completed certification for Clinical Pastoral education for chaplaincy. Barbara is a licensed Minister with the Independent Assemblies since 2002. She was ordained May of 2003 and comissioned June 2006. Barbara is currently aligned under the Apostolic covering of Bishop Tony Miller.DNI (Destiny Network International)
She has ministered throughout the United States and internationally in Canada; Nigeria, Africa; Guyana, South America; Costa Rica; UK; Switzerland; Indonesia; Australia and Germany. Barbara is a devoted wife, mother of three and grandmother of seven.She and her husband are active members of "The Gate Church" Tony Miller, Bishop.